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Permasteelisa Japan K.K. was born in Japan in 2000 as a member of the Permasteelisa Group, which operates in more than 30 countries around the world. Since then, it has designed and manufactured more than 1 million square meters of building exteriors in Japan. We have a track record of construction.

In 2020, Permasteelisa Japan K.K. became a wholly owned subsidiary of LIXIL Corporation and signed a License Agreement with Permasteelisa Group to maintain the "Permasteelisa" brand in Japan and continued our cooperation on factories, production management system and the use of advanced technologies.    

Company Name

Permasteelisa Japan K.K.

Head Office

Banchokaikan 4th Fl., 12-1 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0076 Japan

Managing Director

Toshiyuki Sasaki


August 4, 2000

Main businesses

Design and installation of curtainwall, shop facade and interior fittings


204.5 million yen

Fiscal Year-end

March 31

Number of Employees

45 (As of May 2021)

Construction License No.

Special construction license issued by Tokyo Governor(特-30)No.114108

First-class Architect Office No.

Tokyo Governor Registration No.55035


ISO9001:2015(JIS Q 9001:2015)

ISO45001:2018(JIS Q 45001:2018)



Banchokaikan 4th Fl., 12-1 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0076 Japan

TEL +81-3-5275-8420

FAX +81-3-5275-8411

Nearest Stations

Approximately 5 minutes from JR Yotsuya and JR Ichigaya Station

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